It is said that to err is human and to forgive is divine. People are bound to step on our toes from time to time either knowingly or unknowingly. However, our response or reaction to people's action towards us shows our level of maturity in character formation. It is not what life brings to us that matters but our response towards it. 

One of the greatest virtue we can posses is forgiveness. This is not always easy because it humbles our ego and denies us the self pride.  True forgiveness is not just letting go the tendency to revenge but also the memory. The hardest part of forgiveness is letting go the memory. Because memory stays with us. Even after the wound is healed, there is still the scar.  Forgiveness that is still mindful of the scar is not yet complete. It is simply a baked  bitterness and malice coated with the ice of smile. It is cosmetic and not real.  True forgiveness entails forgetting. When God forgives us, he forgets we ever did something wrong. There is no such record, He makes no reference to the past, it becomes a fresh start. That is just the simplest definition of true forgiveness,  starting afresh, forgetting the scar. Making no reference to the past.

We are constantly faced with betrayal by loved ones, backbiting from friends, and being hurt by people we trusted so much. By and large, true forgiveness is a choice of response.  We can choose to forgive. When we forgive, we free our mind from the stress of anger and the pain of bitterness. You can make the choice and experience the happiness of a free mind.

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