Sociologically, the identity of every group or tribe is not by their geographical distinction but the sustainability of their shared values. These values are part of what comprises the non-visible aspect of their culture.

The Igbo race is an ethnic group situated within the eastern part of Nigeria with a common language of Ibo. Agriculturists by tradition and 70 percent christians while the rest adhere to indigenous religion or a mixture of the both. Like the rest of Africans, Igbo people are rich in cultural heritage, rooted in traditions, norms and customs handed down orally from generation to generation. Thus, beyond the geographical location, the Igbo nation is a worldwide umbrella of the entire Igbo people both home and abroad. Unique by culture, the pan Igbo is an ideology of what the nation stands for. Known for hard work, brotherhood, indigenousness,  respect and values. The Igbo nation is the truest reflection of Africa.

The place of the Igbo race in the socio-economic and Political development of Nigeria is of great significance. A spotlight that cannot be overshadowed by the darkness of political manoeuvre. Interesting to note, the Igbo nation is a voice that echoes virtually in every part of the world. Like the saying goes "anywhere there is no Igbo man, there is no life." This simplifies the truism that the Igbo nation is a global phenomenological movement. A negritude awareness and consciousness.

However, as magnetic as the pan Igbo is, Individual interests disintegrates the oneness of the Igbo voice. The value of brotherhood is threatened by individualism. Particularly as political terrain of Nigeria unfolds like episodes, the brotherhood of Pan Igbo is slaughtered at the altar of selfishness. Therefore the renaissance of Pan Igbo is a clarion call.  An awakening of the shared values of brotherhood rather than individualism.  For on this actualization lies the path to the destiny of the Igbo race. The renaissance must begin by first, having the "we" consciousness rather than "I". That is replacing individualism with collectivism. A rebirth of igboism ideology as a political watchword. 

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