Being protective is one of those traits that might in some circumstances be seen as an attractive and old-fashioned masculine characteristic. However, it’s increasingly being seen as a sign of weakness and a sign of obstinacy. By all means be protective of the people you love and of your date if the situation demands it, but never be over-protective.
If you are over-protective it can make you come across as quite a jealous person and that tends to put people off. There’s also something quite aggressive about over-protectiveness that doesn’t sit well with a lot of women.
This is to say nothing of the disservice it pays to your date. Why do you need to be over-protective? Is she not capable of handling herself? Doesn’t she have the independence and will to look after herself?
Whether you are perceived as affronting your date’s sense of independence and character or demonstrating your own insecurities, one thing’s for certain: over-protectiveness could cost you a second date and it could cost you a relationship in the long run. Always remember how you are seen in your date’s eyes and adjust your behaviour accordingly.

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