I know you must have heard of many therapies being advocated either online, magazines or even from your  friends. Just like some, you may have tried several therapies and they seem to have failed. You might have felt so discouraged not losing the weight as you anticipated or not achieving the expected result. Here are some tips to note and to get you back on your feet again for a comeback.

You must realize the power of consistency. The truth is that the effectiveness of every therapy does not come from an attempt so to say, but from a habit of consistency. That is where we get it wrong. We expect the miracle of change to happen after a day or two of attempts. It does not work like that. There is no short cut to therapy-effect. So if you do not have the patience and consistency to go through a therapy it may be better not starting it all. For any therapy to prove effective, the pressure from consistency must be applied to your body system.

Having established the background on consistency as the first secret to a successful therapy, you must understand that your body system adapts with time. Starting a therapy honestly may be difficult. This is because the new food ratio is strange to your body system. Your body prior to the therapy is not used to taking such amount of water or going through such stress of working out. Human nature adapts gradually through consistency.  So do not give up when your body resists the will to start such therapy at the initial stage. With consistency it gradually succumbs and adapts to the new eating habit or any other therapy routine

To win through any therapy adopt the principle of numeric progression. Yes, start little then grow to more and finally much. Start from 1 to 10 and vice versa. You will encounter difficulty trying to stop eating at night at once. Instead you can begin by reducing quantity, eating earlier or substituting food with fruits. This will be easier for you than just trying to stop at once. You may succeed the first few nights but trust me sooner than you expect you will go back to square one.

Most importantly, your body can adapt faster with the will of your mind. Let your mind be fixed on the desired goal even when your body suggests otherwise. Achieving it is mental first before physical.

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