Time is precious and we cannot control it. Each day, nature gives us 24 hours to maximize. The success of its usage depends on our ability to manage it well and effectively. Often times people excuses with time and even blame time for not being enough for them. But the truth is, time is a liquid asset that is spent and irreversible. Whether we use it or not, time is consumed, spent and ticks away. Just like the tick of the clock, so goes time away each second.

God gave man many assets which include time. The bible says there is time for everything under heaven. Life is in season and phases. We are born in time and exist within the scope of time. We are timed within a life duration, a life span that is bounded by time frame. Time is the soul of existence, the navel of human activities and the sequence of life. Without time nature is in chaos because time regulates the universe. How precious time is that we mostly fail to understand its significance to our destiny. Destiny is timed.

Many people fail to value time and thus fail to manage it effectively. We usually spend time but not utilize it. The two are not the same. We can spend time but not utilize time. Utilization is in profit and achievement made within time. When we invest our time into things productive, then we are utilizing it. Time management can be streamlined through the following steps.
1. Prioritize your activities in order of importance each day.
2. Give yourself a time frame for each activity.
3. Avoid unprofitable ventures such as long hours on T.v, movies, gossip, idleness, sleep, chat, etc
4. Understand your body system and invest it when most alert/active
5. Always value each second of the day

The totality of what we achieve in life is to some extent dependent on our understanding of time factor. Value time, spend time wisely.

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