Starting a date can be fun and also sometimes a hard task especially with people we are not familiar with. Today, with the aid of social networks like facebook, whatsapp, bbm, twitter and lots more, meeting people and interacting with them is done with more ease irrespective of distance. Not only do we chat with people, we can develop a relationship that lasts to a happy future. However, establishing such a relationship through these media is not always as easy as saying “Hello”. It goes a long way to depend on our mastery of effective communication skills and tips on starting a dating relationship. This is because we are trying to hook up with people who we are strangers to and naturally they would not open up so freely at first instance. So perhaps you might have admired someone online, maybe a guy or lady you have crush on but do not know how to make the move? May even be in the same neighborhood with you, but thanks to facebook, you managed to get his or her username but lack the right bullet to fire the first shoot? Well it should not be so because starting up a date online can be easier than you think.  
Sometimes we do not get responses even when we say “Hi” “Hello what’s up” to people at first. This is because the phrase has become a cliché used by all and sundry and has become a common expression like “good morning”. He or she may not easily respond to that. One of the secret of making people open up is by striking their ego spot. Ego spot is that area that arouses their self-worth.  Everyone has it and feels happy when it is complimented or acts on self-defense when threatened. So in this scenario you can begin by complimenting his or her picture, status update, or picking up an area of the individual’s interest.
You must not rush. Trying to know everything about someone in a day is usually immature and we often act impulsively when we do so. We always want to know the past, present and future. Take one step at a time. Do not be in a haste to see, hang out or date. It can be a turn off. Familiarization is a process not an instant act, so it takes time to know someone in detail. Do not get too excited. The beauty of adventure is discovery, relationship is an adventure. When people tell you everything about themselves and vice versa, it loses its flavour.
Effective communication involves creativity. Most times we lack words and what to discuss in a conversation. This is first because we have exhausted all the questions in one day trying to know everything about the person at once. So the next day’s chat becomes dry and scanty. We end up repeating the same question each day “what’s up?” “How was your day?” “Have you eaten?” “What are you doing now? This is not conversation at all. Sounds more like a questionnaire. Be creative. Pick an area of interest the person has and start up discussion on it. If he likes football, discuss football, if she likes movies, discuss one with her. Get yourself into the individual’s interest and flow with it. You will be amazed how he or she will feel more free, relaxed and open with you within the shortest period of time.
Know the perfect time to hang out and fire the first shot. When you have established deep sense of relaxation between the two, you chat and call freely, then you can arrange to see or start up a date. Always remember that online dating has its own risks, so you must apply precautions. At first meeting, chose an open location like restaurants. Above all still be the guy or lady he or she knew online and make real the same impression you have created.
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