As the world evolves into a technology freak and global unit, the inclination of mankind to modern innovations as well as the desire, becomes insatiable. Particularly among young and middle aged generation which happens to be the main hub of technology market. With the scrambling of latest phone, ipad, tablet and so on, the African society is driven by a technology-craze syndrome at the expense of a vibrant reading culture. A phenomenon of “Phone addiction” has engrossed the young generation with strong grip. This habitual attitude of constant, frequent use of the phone for various reasons has in itself a major side effect which is poor academic performance. 

As a welcome development, science and technology has improved living immensely in ways too numerous to mention. Telecommunication, transportation, education, banking, health, agriculture, industry and so on, are dividends of technology. The impact cannot be overemphasized. However, frequent use of phone is gradually eating deep into the root of our society. Phone addiction has assumed sentimental attachment with young people that many cannot stay relaxed for a day without their phones being operated. Either for facebook, whatsapp, bbm, browsing, playing music or games, or watching videos, the phone has become the closest companion. The phone as a technology device aids education, it aids faster and cheaper access to information, communication or group discussions with classmates, assists in assignment and projects through Microsoft applications, calculation of figures with phone calculator and so on. For some students who do not have laptop, their phone helps them a lot in browsing for assignment, seminars, project and online reading. 

By and large, the clarion call is on reviving a reading culture lost to "phone addiction". Interesting to note that from simple observation and research findings, most young people spend more time on phone than other routines. This habitual tendency oftentimes given to social networks and chatting affects students negatively through various ways
It consumes time meant for reading
It causes mental distractions during reading
Most times after such long chat and use of the phone, the individual becomes tired and feels sleepy.
It can lead to addiction to games, pornographic contents, which can reduce reading enthusiasm.
Frequent use of phone can cause eye problem from proximity to screen rays which can hamper clarity of sight during reading.
Phone as an instrumental tool should be used judiciously with proper time management without abusing its purpose as it can be an effective reading aid.

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