Success is a product of calculated hard work and diligence. Greatness is the end of a long road of enthusiastic and painstaking preparations. However, one major silent killer to success is procrastination. To procrastinate is to delay taking an action at the time most appropriate or rescheduling it for another time. From time to time we find our self delaying on taking needful steps. Just like laziness, procrastination always have reasons for not doing what ought to be done at the right time. Procrastination zaps our energy and enthusiasm at the moment . it makes us excited about doing the work later. That is the language of procrastination: "later", "soon", "one day".  And it keeps on repeating those words to us every time we are confronted with the urgency to take the needed action promptly. Nothing handicaps goals like procrastination. It is zeal antidote. Like a thief, it creeps in with excuses and more excuses. The truth is that prompt actions usually produce more effective results. Because at the point of promptness is the wake of ideas. That is why a composer jumps out from the bed at midnight to write down song without waiting till tomorrow. Any further delay can reduce the inspiration, if not quench it. Procrastination does not value time because there is "still time" in a mind full of procrastination.

The simple tool against procrastination is by getting the work done immediately. When we deal with procrastination, we deal with laziness. Procrastination can slow the growth of success.

Diligence implies determination. When we are diligent about something, we are determined to see it done. Hard work with diligence is a strong force against procrastination.

Enthusiasm spurs our will to action. The will to take an action can only be constantly ignited through enthusiasm. When we are enthusiastic about a goal or project, we are consumed by passion for it that makes us keep trying and working.

Having a time frame can help us overcome procrastination. When our goal is timed, our actions are calculated to meet the target. Goals that are not timed are not likely to be achieved. Timing creates urgency.
Stopping procrastination is a decision we make and act upon by doing what ought to be done immediately, diligently and enthusiastically.

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