The difficulties presented to a sufferer of bipolar disorder can be devastating, and making it even more troublesome is that the signs of the disorder can be hard to read.
Often, those signs are confused with other health issues – including major depression, attention deficit disorder, or even just a standard case of moodiness. Understanding the signs and symptoms is essential for both the person suffering from it and those around him.

1. Inability to Complete Tasks
The inability to see tasks to their completion is a common sign. Sufferers can go from task to task, never finishing them before moving on to something else. This can lead to a house full of half-completed tasks as the person becomes distracted and no longer interested in the task at hand.

2. Sleep Issues
Another common sign is lack of consistent sleep patterns. If the sufferer is depressed, they may sleep long hours but still feel tired all the time. But during a manic phase, they may require little sleep – yet still have plenty of energy. That’s why medical experts say it’s crucial for patients to establish a regular sleep pattern and stick with it.

3. Substance Abuse Issues
Studies have shown that about half of the people suffering from this disorders struggle with substance abuse problems – including drug and alcohol use. Sufferers may use drugs or alcohol to improve their mood when they’re depressed, or to slow themselves down when they’re in a manic phase.

4. Irritability
Most all of us go through periods of bad moods, but someone who suffers from bipolar disorder can feel as if they can’t control it. They may suffer from both mania and depression at the same time, which creates a highly irritable state that can have negative effects on relationships.

5. Work Trouble
The symptoms of bipolar disorder can cause many issues in a person’s work life – from the inability to complete tasks, to not being able to get along with co-workers, to the inability to show up for work at all.

6. Rapid Speech
We all know someone who is naturally talkative, i.e., a ‘motormouth.’ But someone suffering from bipolar disorder often shows signs of pressured speech when they’re not really talking to you or engaging in a normal two-way conversation. They may talk rapidly, and jump from subject to subject.

7. Euphoria
A bipolar sufferer can go through states of high-energy and exuberance in which they also feel highly-creative. They may also make grand and unattainable plans. Known as hypomania, this can be an enjoyable state; the problem is, it doesn’t last.

8. A Racing Mind
A person dealing with bipolar disorder may feel as if their mind is constantly racing, and that they can’t control or slow down the flood of thoughts. This often correlates with pressured speech.

9. Depression
It sounds obvious, but depression is yet another symptom of the disorder. Sadness, loss of energy, anxiety and irritability are just a handful of depression symptoms – and doesn’t include red-flag symptoms such as thoughts of death or suicide. The person may dwell on past mistakes, or take little pleasure in their lives.

10. Erratic Behavior
While in a manic phase, the person can have an inflated self-esteem and exhibit grandiosity. They also tend to not consider the consequences of their behaviors, which can lead to everything from spending sprees to unusual sexual behavior.

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