Countries differ in climate, hygiene and many other factors, thus it comes as no surprise that some places boast of conditions that prevent people from falling ill. Sickness depends on many factors – age, location, climate, temperatures, lifestyle and food, amongst others.
However, there are some countries that do take as many precautions as possible to ensure they are not plagued with frequent illnesses. Though this is not entirely in a person’s hands, measures can be taken to control sickness to some extent.
So here is a list of the top 5 countries where people hardly fall sick.
1. Qatar
Despite not having a national healthcare system, Qatar is one of the places where people hardly fall sick. Perhaps, the people here have extremely good immune systems because nothing else seems to explain this phenomenon. They have 7.7 physicians per 1000 people. Even though the life expectancy of people here is just 77.6 and they have second highest obesity rate, their overall death rates are incredibly low. Healthcare in Qatar includes free treatment in government health facilities and private medical practice. The government healthcare system here is of a high standard therefore inviting people to have check-ups.

2. Norway
Money should yield results and since Norway spends the largest per capita on healthcare than any other country, it certainly explains why it has featured in this list. The countries total annual healthcare expenditure rounds up to $9,055. Factually, Norway fares quite poorly when it comes to health issues. However, it has a booming economy and hence, its residents have access to some of the best medical professionals and medical facilities in the world. So who says quality of life matters? Sometimes money can buy all that you need to avoid sickness. 

3. Switzerland
This country is the third healthiest nation in the world. Perhaps, it is the cold, frigid temperatures that make people strong here because with a death rate of 9 deaths per 1000 people, being the third healthiest country is quite commendable. The irony is that the consumption of alcohol here is 73% higher than global standards and 22% adult females and 31% adult males smoked. But despite all these habits, people are mostly healthy.

4. Luxembourg
This country has the fourth-highest per capita spending on healthcare. Due to the link between health spending and its outcomes, this country is overall quite healthy. Although the people here are reasonably strong and hardly fall sick, the country’s overall ranking is deterred due to their high obesity rate and alcohol consumption. High-quality, free and subsidized healthcare is available to all citizens

5. Japan
About one-quarter of this nation’s population was over 65 last year showcasing the longevity and health of the Japanese people. The healthcare services in Japan include screening examinations, prenatal care and infectious disease control. While these services aren’t free, the government does bear 70% of the total cost.

So if you are looking to settle in a new place, perhaps these would be the countries worth exploring. The reason being you may just imbibe their lifestyle and you, too, may live a long, happy life, devoid of too many health issues.

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  1. When will naija be included in this list

