We live in a human-web, a network of associates, colleagues, family members, school mates, friends and peers. Thus,  the society is stratified into network of relationship through socialization. From home to neighborhood, to school, to church, to work place. The circle of inter-personal relationship is developed through communication.

Our society has evolved in lexicon and usage of vocabulary has mixed up with context and intent. That is to that some words have lost their actual meaning and have become clichés. Words like "friend" and "love" have lost the literal meaning to connote otherwise. It means something when one says "we are friends" or "I love you".  Sometimes the speaker implies something different from the superficial meaning of the diction.

Friends are not just colleagues in office or school mates, they are real close confides we share same affection with, can trust and are always there in time of need. Friends are part of our life. They are siblings from another mother. What makes them friends is not because of the kind gestures we receive from them but because they are always there in our every moment. Friends are gifts to us. They build us up, impact positively in our lives. They add value to us and always bring out the best in us.  Ever ready to sacrifice, willing to forgive and tolerate, understand our weaknesses and still love us. That is what real friends are. 

Are your friends real?   Are they really friends? Evaluating of one's list of friends help us to develop deeper commitment to people that really matter in our lives by their friendship. Because the only thing a friend owes a friend is to be a real friend.

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