It is a normal tradition that at the beginning of every year people are usually optimistic,  passionate and full of dreams, goals and aspirations. And so each person draws a list of target for the year, goals to achieve and lifestyle to change in a piece of paper commonly known as New year resolution. This is a beautiful practice.  But why do we often times fail to achieve those long list of wonderful dreams and goals? Why do we end up forgetting about the dreams and goals even before the middle of the year?

The truth is that most of the things we write down as goals and aspirations or resolutions were just written out of impulses and euphoria. They were not meditated upon and are not usually realistic. Goals are achievable when realizable. Goals can become real and not just mere wishes and yearly routine through the following steps;

1. Ask yourself what you want to achieve. What are you passionate about at the moment. If you are not passionate about your goal you may not achieve it.

2. Your goals must be in order of priority. Make first things first.  First and important things are usually foundation for other goals.

3. Be precise. Precision implies being definite and straight to the point. What do you want? One at a time.  You can't achieve all the goals in one year.  Define the ones you want

4. Be time conscious. Consider the duration. Give each goal a set time. It could be a month or quarter or year. It helps you to work with speed.

5. Be real. Be rational in your goal setting. Emotion has a way of making us believe and feel we can make it all happen. But always remember that even God didn't create the world in a day.  So have goals that are realizable not just writing a full piece of paper with ideas  that end up as illusion. You must not have goals,  it can just be a goal. Just one goal for the year is very OK! 

6. Focus. Learn to focus and concentrate on your goals. That's why it's good for you to have few goals so that you can focus on each one at a time. Focus channels our inner force and energy towards our ambition. 

7. Work it out! It's as simple as said.  Work out your dream. Have action plan for each goal. Design strategy and write down steps to be taken for each one. Act on it promptly and passionately. 

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