The African child is the hope of Africa. The life of every nation rests on its ability to invest in the human resources which is the engine force of a sustainable development. This is because the easiest way to develop a nation is by developing the people. That's is why education is the bedrock of development.

The hope of the African child today is being threatened. Threatened by lots of challenges facing the African child of the twenty-first century. These challenges hamper the tendencies of harnessing the human potentials in the child. Because every African child is a human resource that has potentials and so is of a great value to the nation. Therefore we have to save the African child from these.

The African child is a victim of child abuse. Cases of child abuse are high within the sub-saharan region. The African child is faced with physical and sexual assault. Children as young as four years old are being sexually abused by elders, subjected to labour like beasts of burden, maltreated and brutalized by their guardians. Above all they are denied their child's right.

The African child is a victim of Child Marriage. Little girls are given away into marriages to men older than their fathers. The African girl child is traded into marriage with no sense of value for the child. Cases of early marriages have continued to create media criticism in Africa and the world.

The African child is a victim of child trafficking. This is usually done by their relatives or family friends. The child is sold into hard labour or prostitution. The child lives like a slave, depressed and dejected, used and abused without dignity.

The African child is deprived of the right to education. Educating a Child is a national investment. The African child has right to education. Education develops a Child into a human resource. This, the African child is deprived of. 

The African child is suffering from poverty. Most of the problems of the African child such as lack of education, malnutrition, child trafficking and so on can be linked to poverty. Poverty is at the center of Africa's economy and affects the African child whose parents cannot provide with the basic amenities of life.

The African has a right to be saved. When government and non-governmental organizations, individuals and religious bodies rise up to the need to save the African child from these challenges, it will be the saving point of Africa's future.
Save the African child, save Africa.

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