Change they say, is the only thing constant. The history of Nigeria has witnessed it's own episodes of political and social changes as a nation. Particularly in the political setting which happens to be the most interesting scene of the change episodes of a 55 year old nation. Stories have unfolded and told, governments have emerged and transited. Of all the change story,  none was as interesting as the change of 29th May, 2015.

The emergence of a new political dispensation under the umbrella of
All Progressives Congress (APC) in Nigeria is historic. For the first time, power transited from incumbency to the opposition. With  slogans of "change"  ranting the air, the Buhari's Administration set in a new motion. Yes of course it set in change because change is the only thing constant. So it is a change that a General took over from a civilian. But striking as the changes occur, is the ongoing " General's Purge" in the country.

Before his inauguration as the president, General Buhari made it clear on his stand on corruption. It was a distinct red light to all corrupt office holders. On assuming the office, the purge started. A strict implementation of the law on corrupt public servants more than has ever happened in Nigeria. Corrupt officials were brought to face the law. Of interesting of all is the Arms Deal Probe, ranging from list of all the benefactors of "Dasuki Gate".

For whatever reason people may say concerning the probing of public fund and officials, the General's purge has instilled an extent of fear in government officials at different sectors. Nigeria is driving back to sanity. At least that's one change that is obvious.
So when next you think of the APC "Change"  slogan, think of the "General's Purge"

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