Values are set codes of conduct that govern human behaviour and actions. There are objective moral actions that are not subject to race or creed. From childhood, the family which is the smallest unit of the society inculcates these values into the child's system which becomes part of his life.  The child grows with these values such as respect for elders, decency, honesty, cleanliness and so on. These are generally called value system which shapes the social life of an individual within the society. And so value system is established and form the basis of character formation. 

Having established values as part of subconscious system of an individual, how long do they last within an individual? Growth and development of an individual is influenced by factors of socialization such as family, school, peer group, church and environment and these influence value system.
Each of these factors are change agent in growth and development either positively or negatively. New values are formed and some old ones are lost or distorted by influence.  A decent child finally grows up to become wayward in campus and so on. That is what influence of peer group or environment does to one's value system. One with honesty and discipline gets into a work environment full of laxity and Corruption and turn out to be influenced by the trend. Hardship or circumstances can make one's values compromised . Thus value system can be distorted or lost. 

Since values can be lost, the need for value re-orientation is inevitable. There is the need to strengthen one's value system as often as possible. The social ills are evidences of this collapse in value system.
First, value orientation is an awakening of the subconscious mind to the principle of good and evil. 

Value Orientation harmonizes order and peace, straightens adherence to the law and promotes justice.

When there is a re-orientation of values it fosters sustainable development. This is because values are needed in every sector of human endeavor.

Value orientation is an essential tool in interpersonal relationship and harmonious coexistence in the society.

With values orientation, sustainable character is developed. Hence government should promote value orientation policies.
The media has a role in sensitizing people on the need for upholding values in the society.
Religious bodies can strengthen value system in individual lives through their teachings. 
The place of value cannot be overemphasized to ensure a stable society.

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