Pornography has become one of the major social trend flooding our scenes on the media and internet screens. Its much publicity has been motivated mainly by keen interest generally received from the public especially the young people towards this phenomenon. Many young people are victims of porn addiction which has become rampant due to access to information made possible by science and technology. So to access a porn site or films through phone or laptop is very much easy.
     Pornography is explicitly representation of sexual activity in literature, films, internet and so on, intended to stimulate erotic feelings. Psychologically, pornographic contents appeals to man's sexuality and stimulates passion driven towards sex. The pictures of nudity, sexual activities or sex-inducing postures which characterize pornographic films, sites, books or materials, receive much traffic on the internet more than any other information. As a matter of fact, porn sites has become one of the fastest growing internet sites, with thousands of views, clicks or downloads on daily basis. As appealing as pornographic contents may be to man's natural sex inclination, its effect are quite harmful to man. How harmful is pornography? Is there anything really wrong in watching a porn film which as some claim, is a way of sex education and enlightenment?

Harmful Effects of Pornography

Here are some harmful effects of porn;
. Exposing one's self to pornographic contents can lead to increase in sexual urge beyond control.
. Constant exposure to porn can lead to addiction; sex appeals to every living thing because of the pleasure derived in the act and also in watching it too. When one constantly exposes him or herself to such contents, the brain responds to the pleasure and with constant response begins to crave for more of such pleasure with time.
. Pornography can lead to masturbation. This is one of the destructive results of porn in young people. When the sexual urge becomes so much heated, in a way of easing themselves and mentally acting in the sexual fantasies, they masturbate. This happens especially when they don not have a way of having real sex or can also be as a result of addiction.
. The end results of porn which could be sex or masturbation can affect one's self esteem. Guilt or shame usually accompanies such acts especially when done as a result of the sexual pressure ignited by watching pornography.
. Pornography is biblically a sin against God, and destroys the spirit of man from having a close relationship with God, his creator.
. Porn could also lead to poor academic performance in a student who passionately spends much of his time on porn. The reason behind such is that after such a pleasurable sight-seeing, the brain feels bored to read or engage in any other activity outside sex appeal.
. Frequent viewing of porn materials affect one's values such as morality, decency, chastity and so on. The sexual contents register in one's sub-consciousness and intrinsically influence his behavior and attitude towards sexuality or opposite sex.

Solutions to Overcoming Pornography

Perhaps you are a victim of Pornographic whose life has being ravaged by the harmful effects of this act. Here are possible solution of getting out this addiction.
. Firstly, you need to understand that pornography is bad and harmful to you. Quit seeing it as just a means of relaxation or having fun. Until you change your mentality towards it, you can never take a positive step towards stopping it.
. Form a principle or values of morality or decency to shape your life. Life is built on principles which serve as foundation of our actions. Pick a pen and paper and write down what will become your core value with respect to your social life and stick to it.
. Determine to avoid watching pornographic contents. Although this may be difficult for one who is addicted to it. However you have a fist step to take in determining within you not to set your eyes on any thing porn. You can achieve this by putting a security lock or alarm on your p.c against any porn site. You can ask a friend to lock the access with an undisclosed code so as to deny you access to such sites even when the usual urge comes.
. Get rid of all porn materials in your possession, either films, or magazines. You can not fight pornography with such things in your room or still on your phones and laptops. Delete the films and list of the sites with you.
. Flee from the urge, rather than struggle! When you have decided to quit porn, you may still have the desire to watch them again after some time, but that is just natural. All you need do at such moments is to flee from the urge. By fleeing i mean, watch other exciting things, it could be an interesting movie, read a captivating book, indulge in a chat with friends, take a walk, visit a friend's house and so on. By so doing you have removed yourself from the pressure at that moment. It is better than struggling to control or resist it.
. Also prayers and counselling can offer spiritual help to it. You can visit a counselor or your pastor for prayers. Also constant meditation on the word of God is powerful to renew your mind towards godly thoughts and desires.
Decide today to stop pornography.
You have the freewill and choice to do so and save yourself the harmful effects. It is a matter of personal value and decision. Though you may encounter challenges trying to quit, do not quit until you re-mould your character and habits into God's ideal plan of it.

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