Words are powerful tools that can cause effect or change in the mind of the hearer. Fear, happiness, love, and similar emotions can be created through words. Every human being irrespective of gender has a degree of response towards words. They are equivocal and most times interpreted within the contextual frame work. However, in our society where some expressions have become mere clichés, words have lost the true value of their meaning to both the speaker and the hearer by understanding. For example, expressions such as “I love you” could mean different things by the speaker and could be conceived differently also by the hearer. One hardly knows the real meaning within a context used by the speaker. So words today have various connation as assumed by the audience. Many have gone into mistakes they live to regret because of the interpretation of words they heard which were mere ice-coated expressions without any iota of truth. And so many end up in wrong relationships, abused, duped, and deceived because they took words as said. By and large, Words and expressions should be a true reflection of the content of the speaker’s heart and not just a bait. Dignity and integrity should be attached to words we speak to people on daily basis. The value of a word or an expression is in the sincerity of its literal meaning. Expressions like “we are friends”, I love you”, “trust me” are oftentimes taken superficial by the hearer and therefore should imply so.

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