The evolution of development is a constant process.  With new inventions in science and technology, modernization has become a global phenomenon. The world is drifting into a science-freak where God is simply imaginary and illusion. Particularly in the western world where life seems relatively easier and prayers are to an extent answered by science, the concept of God is becoming illusive. Do we still need God? If medical science can attempt almost the impossible; invitro fertilization, organ transplant, clonning, space exploration, and other adventures in different sectors, where then is the place of God for a spotlight in humanity?

The essence of humanity is in God. If the need for God in the present world is only for daily necessities then science can as well do so. Then God would not be too relevant or just one of the alternatives. The place of God in mankind is of an eternal relevance. More than that which  science claims to offer, is the essence of existence, the meaning of purpose and true reality. The deepest satisfaction and fulfilment comes not from those things which life offers but from the discovery of what life is in essence.

Humanity cannot exist without God. No matter how science and modernization indirectly try to erode the consciousness of God from mankind,  God remains the core of life and the totality of existence outside space. The summary of eternity and soul of life.  All things exist by Him, through Him and in Him. Outside God is Nothing and inside Him is everything.

Post a Comment

  1. We need God for many things

  2. Certainly humanity cannot exist without God

